
[English] Rubik's Clock: 7simul flip Method[English] Rubik's Clock: 7simul flip Method

7simul flip#


For example, with the following shuffle:

UR3- DR4- DL1- UL2- U1+ R4+ D2- L3- ALL1+ y2 U3- R1- D4- L4+ ALL1+ DR DL UL

Assume the side facing you uses uppercase letters, the back side uses lowercase letters, and when reading the code, flip it using x2 (flip up and down), not the left-right flip used during scrambling. You can use your preferred method for number and letter encoding.

This example uses the side facing up during scrambling as the front.

StepsDescriptionNumerical valueEncoding
1(RD)+(lul)(R\rightarrow D)+(l\rightarrow ul)66
2ucu\rightarrow c-3C
3lul\rightarrow u-5E
4(rd)+(LUL)(r\rightarrow d)+(L\rightarrow UL)-3C
5UCU\rightarrow C55
6LUL\rightarrow U44


Assuming the four pillars facing you are UL, UR, DR, DL, the following descriptions indicate which pillars are protruding.

StepsProtruding columnHow many steps UL turnsHow many steps UR turns
1UL, DR, DLEncoding of Step 1Encoding of step 2
2UL, DLAlign D and R dialsEncoding of Step 3
3ULAlign C and D&R dialsAlign DR and D&R dials
4x2 Flip overx2 Flip overx2 Flip over
5UL, DR, DLEncoding of step 4Encoding of step 5
6UL, DLAlign D and R dialsEncoding of step 6
7ULAlign the top-left four dials and the D&R dial.Align DR and D&R dials
8UL, DRExcept for DL and UR, align the remaining dials to twelve o’clock.DL, UR dial aligned to twelve o’clock


  1. 不喜欢D轮?来学7simul flip吧
  2. 零基础带你学会魔表7simul法(Tommy版)
  3. 魔表基础还原教程
[English] Rubik's Clock: 7simul flip Method
Author Yutong Liang
Published at June 25, 2024
Copyright CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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